Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Find a Good Domain Name

This is a huge market, where a business or individual is selling a trademark domain in hopes of somebody like you approaching and paying a premium rate for it. The problem arises when you buy it, spend money setting up the website and promoting it only to have ICANN or a company attorney contact you with a ""CEASE AND DESEASE" order and have you turn the said domain over to the company owning the trademark.

Over Priced Domains:

It is amazing how much some people trust they can get for their domains. It's as if they own an old run down pickup truck expecting to get paid the price of a new Mercedes Benz!

Meager Quality Names:

I have run across numerous domain names for sale which make no sense at all simply to contain a few keywords. For example: Not only is it difficult to remember however is not worth anything!

Locating Worthy Names At Reasonable Prices:

Your primary focus should be to register or buy top class domain names Try registering your business name should you already be in business Another avenue would be to look for high quality keyword phrase domain names relevant to your products. For example if the name of your company were Acid & Chemical Storage, Inc and the name was already registered, you could try aquiring that is a real domain currently available.

Ways to register and buy high quality domain names:

1. Try registering an available domain

2. Purchase an existing domain from a reputable domain seller.

3. Backorder a domain name.

Registering a domain name is the one aspect most are familiar with, however many usually over pay by simply by paying as much as $35 per year! You need to locate a reputable domain service with reasonable rates. One well known service which we recommend that has been in the business since 1999 is

Purchasing an existing domain is a way to locate specific keyword domains however only purchase from a reputable domain seller. Do not waste time with poor quality keyword domains. At the same time, be careful of the asking price. You can always counter offer!. Be sure to obtain a keyphrase domain containing one or more keywords relevant to your website.

Backordering a domain name differs from using deleted domain lists. Let me give you a short explanation.

Before a domain name expires it usually goes to what is referred to as a grace period for thirty days.. Soon to expire domain names are updated daily giving you as well as others a chance to try and grab the domain name as soon as it becomes available. This process is done in the background automatically for you once you select a domain to backorder. Being you as well as others can be trying to backorder the same domain name you will want to use one of the better and more reliable services to better your odds in obtaining a particular domain. Now if no one backorders a particular domain name, after the initial thirty days or so, it will be displayed on the deleted domain lists. As you can see, the deleted domain lists are basically the scraps leftover hence you are better off trying a backorder service.

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